Managing The Risk of Elevating Work Platforms

Elevating work platforms (EWPs) present a variety of risks to workers. EWPs are powered mobile plant, designed to lift and lower workers or equipment in the workplace.

A person conducting business or undertaking (PCBU) must ensure that workers and site visitors are not exposed to WHS risks, where reasonably practicable. Workers also have the responsibility to take reasonable care for their own health and safety as well as to not affect other workers. All employees must comply with instructions and cooperate with WHS policies & procedures within the workplace.

It is imperative that thorough inspections are carried out to ensure that parts of the EWP that are subject to wear and tear are replaced or repaired before they post serious risk.

At a minimum, the WHS Regulations require inspections of an EWP to be carried out:

  • In accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations

  • If there are no recommendations, based on a competent person’s recommendations

  • Annually

Inspections must cover critical components and ensure operational control and safety systems function as designed. Critical components are the plant components whose malfunction may affect the safety of workers.

All inspections must be undertaken by a competent person. This means someone who has the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out the task, acquired through qualification, training or experience.

All records of inspection, testing, and maintenance must be kept and regularly updated. Safe Industries Australia use an online platform to store all records in one place, so that you can access them at any time, from anywhere.

Contact Safe Industries Australia for a free demonstration today.